Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Are you looking for a job in Luxembourg? Consult the hundreds of job offers, and follow the recruiters of the Grand Duchy to find a job.
Chargé de mission en modélisation des déplacements pour le projet MMUST+
GIE LERAS - Luxembourg European Research & Administration Support
Opticien (m/f)
Optical Center
Architecte d'intérieur (H/F)
JP Home Concept SĂ rl
Traducteur néerlandais-français (m/f/x)
Cour de Justice Benelux
KYC Officer / KYC Analyst
Brucher Thieltgen & Partners
Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
The largest job, training and career fair in Luxembourg – Friday, 28 March 2025
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Chef de cuisine (M/F/X)
Société confidentielle
Chef de partie (M/F/X)
Société confidentielle
MĂ©decin du travail (m/f)
Fédération des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois
Mitarbeiter fĂĽr die Zahntechnische Abrechnung (m/w/d)
Dental Weber SĂ rl
Moovijob Day Luxembourg in Trier
May 23, 2025
Messepark Trier
Conseiller Economique (m/f)
Fédération des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois
Comptable Confirmé(e) (m/f)
Fiduciaire Accura
Support en Gestion de Patrimoine
Asteo Luxembourg
Anlagenfahrer in Produktion (m/w/d)
Salarié(e) polyvalent(e) (m/f/d) pour la « Servicekëscht »
Moovijob Day Luxembourg in Metz
June 27, 2025
Metz Congrès Robert Schuman
Educateur/-rice (m/f/d) diplômé(e) fir eisen CENTRE DE JOUR POUR PERSONNES ÂGÉES
Auxiliaire(s) de vie (m/f/d)
Aide(s) socio-familiale(s) (m/f/d)
Aide(s)-soignant(s) diplômé(s) (m/f/d)
Infirmiers(ères) diplômés(es) (m/f/d) pour notre pool remplacement
Unicareers Luxembourg
September 26, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Responsable de Secteur adjoint – Secteur SUD (m/f/d)
PREPARATEUR DE COMMANDES / Permis transpalettes Ă©lectriques et gerbeurs
Manoeuvre H/F
Groupe Morgan Services - Belval
Aide Socio-Familiale (M/F) CDI – 80% - SASD Dahlem
Aide Socio-Familiale (M/F) CDI – 80% - Canach SHPA
Moovijob Week Luxembourg
specialised job fair Health / Medical Care / Social Services
November 17, 2025
European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL)
Aide Socio-Familiale (M/F) CDI – 80% - SASD Lamadelaine
Aide Socio-Familiale (M/F) CDI – 80% - Weidingen/Wiltz
Infirmier/-ère (M/F) – CDD – 80% – 18 mois – Bissen LE
Infirmier/-ère (M/F) – CDI – 80% – Volant Ouest
Préparateurs de commandes (H/F)
Moovijob Week Luxembourg
specialised job fair Sales / Hotels - Restaurants / Services
November 18, 2025
European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL)
Luxembourg is the 2nd largest investment fund center in the world and the largest in Europe. It is particularly recognized for its steady political and economic environment, which provides an ideal tax framework for companies and investors. Luxembourg is home to a wide range of financial services (30% of GDP), with many jobs in banking, or in accounting / tax. The IT sector, and more generally the fields of engineering, research and development infrastructures and health also offer a myriad of job openings to which you can apply by responding to job ads. For a long time driven by the steel industry, today's economy is driven by jobs in the service sector. Unemployment is lower than the European average and the labor market is particularly dynamic in retail, transportation, hotels and restaurants, financial and insurance activities, construction, and information technology. Many companies have ongoing recruitment campaigns aimed at managers, employees and workers. Another characteristic of the country: half of the workforce are cross-border workers!
Luxembourg offers many advantages: international working environment, high salaries, quality of life and health care system. Every year, it attracts a large number of applications from people wishing to settle here, students, experienced or senior professionals, looking for an internship, a temporary contract, or a permanent contract. Perhaps you will soon be applying for a job?
At the heart of Europe, the country shares its borders with Belgium, Germany and France. It is a member of the European Union, and also included in cross-border cooperation, promoting the economy and employment (Greater Region, Saar-lor-lux). Luxembourg (abbreviated LU) is composed of 12 cantons and 102 municipalities, with more than 600,000 inhabitants spread over an area of 2,586 km². The city of Luxembourg and Esch represent almost 60% of the total population together with their respective cantons. Finding a job is easiest in these regions because they are home to half of the country's employers. It is a cosmopolitan territory with 170 nationalities and various communities: Portuguese, French, Italian, Belgian, German, Spanish, British. The official languages are Luxembourgish, German and French. It is not uncommon to find job advertisements in these languages.