Job advertisements in the field of mechanics, electricity, automation in Luxembourg

Discover the companies that are recruiting in the Mechanical, Electrical and Automation sector in Luxembourg by browsing through our job offers.

Are you an electrician, mechanic or automation engineer? Then Luxembourg needs you! Your skills are highly sought after by recruiters in the Grand Duchy, who offer a large number of job opportunities every day for people with qualifications in mechanics, electricity and automation. These job advertisements are often suitable for people with a CAP or high school diploma up to the level of Engineer (Bac +5) in the Automotive, Construction or Industry fields in the broadest sense, with specific missions for each one.

By working in one of these sectors, you will be required to work in all kinds of workshops or construction sites in Luxembourg. Your missions will consist in the installation, reparation and maintenance of machines and electrical equipment. Depending on your skills and experience, you will have the choice to apply for many jobs.
For example, the job of mechatronic engineer will be very interesting if you have a strong interest in electronics and innovation in general, as you will be required to manage the electronic systems of cars or other transport means such as trains or airplanes. In Luxembourg, companies hiring mechatronic engineers on a regular basis are CFL, Luxair, Losch or Merbag. The position of maintenance technician is recommended if you wish to specialise in the maintenance of various technical equipment and machines.

To find a job in the Mechanics sector in Luxembourg, you will need to carefully study the activities of the different employers offering job offers in order to write a relevant and effective application. That will enable you to stand out from other candidates in the eyes of recruiters. Indeed, it is essential to thoroughly study a job advertisement (the skills required, the different missions offered...) before applying, in order to maximise your chances of being recontacted for the next steps of the recruitment process.