Recruit the profiles your company deserves
Acquiring new talents is a crucial issue in your company development. Join today and be sure to make the right move.
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Create your account
Create for free your recruiter account and access a multitude of services.
Publish your job offers easily and benefit from a maximum visibility, particularly thanks to your ads published in the main Luxembourgish media (RTL, L’essentiel, Lesfrontaliers…).
Access our candidate CV database and interact directly with them without any intermediary.
Diversify your job application and improve your visibility by participating in our recruitment events.
- Advise and guide you throughout your recruitment process, online or face to face.
- Help you to find profiles that suit you best. Our team only selects the best of the best.
- Provide you a solution linked to your internal tools (Brodbean, Multiposting…). We develop tailored connections.
Answers to your questions
In addition to the excellent natural referencing, all your ads are published on our partner sites:,,,,, and on dozens of metasearch engines. enables you to reach candidates who are actively looking for a job as well as people who are already working.
100% 😊 To be honest, the success rate depends on several aspects: profiles sought, skills required, reputation of your company, salary packages, etc. Nevertheless, you should know that 9 out of 10 companies remain loyal to You can therefore assume that they are satisfied 😊
The standard advertisement costs 390 € excl. VAT for a publication over two months. There are also several other options, including the publication of an unlimited number of job advertisements, which allows companies to publish as many advertisements as they wish within a given period. offers customised solutions for every company.
Whether your company chooses to participate in a virtual or a face-to-face event, the advantages are numerous: improved visibility, highlighting of your employer brand and the human values of your company, speeding up your sourcing and recruitment process, and simply having a great time with us... The simplest way to become aware of these advantages is to take part in it 😊