Jobs and recruitments among companies in Luxembourg

This “Company” page helps you to find the Luxembourg company that perfectly matches your expectations.

We spend more time with our colleagues than with our families, this is reality!! This is the reason why you should carefully choose the company you want to work with and give yourself every chance to have a fulfilled professional life.

This page needs to be used like a company directory and enables you to search for companies by sector of activity or by location. You will then find big groups such as Post Luxembourg, the Luxembourg National Railway Company - CFL, Auchan, Luxair, or even Deloitte and smaller organisation - often unknown by the public. The company location has become a major criterion, especially in Luxembourg. You wish to find work in a precise location? Or within a specific geographical radius? You wish to be near the train station? Our advanced search will be of great help.

Once the search done, you will be able to sort companies: A-Z listing, most recommended by the community or companies with the most job offers. If you’re interested in a company, you may follow its activities, and stay tuned about the latest job openings by clicking on the heart icon. You wish to bring support to a company you like? Use the thumb up icon to recommend it. In case you don’t find the company, contact our team, we’re very eager to suggest you an updated list.