Job advertisements on internship in Luxembourg

Find out many internship positions in Luxembourg in legal, finance, banking, marketing, HR and more on Moovijob

Many employers are hiring interns in Luxembourg. While browsing job offers on Moovijob, you will find a large amount of internship offers in all business sector and services, such as in legal internships in law firms, in the banking industry within financial institutions, in human resources in employment agency or in marketing and communication/design in communication agency for example.

The work placement is the ideal opportunity for students to gain skills and experience, while continuing studying. If you want to become an intern, you must sign an internship agreement. This document concludes a work/study contract between you, the host company, and the training organisation.

Interns are very wanted by recruiters, who are looking for their thirst for learning, fresh eye and talent. In the meantime, there's a strong demand in terms of internship contracts, and students are more and more struggling to find one. This is the reason why they must take care about their application file, to make the difference. They are required to read carefully the internship descriptions and inquire about the companies before sending the application.

If you are a student and looking for an end-of-year internship in Luxembourg, you may have the opportunity to be offered a fixed-term or permanent employment contract. In all cases, after a long-term internship you may increase your chance of finding a junior job position, as a beginner (less than a year of experience). After then, you will be able to start your career!