Job advertisements in the field of education, training in Luxembourg

Our Education and Training category includes several job offers available in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg such as teacher or trainer among others.

Are you looking for a position in the Education and Training business sector in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg? This page contains the different job advertisements available in this category.

A wide range of job opportunities are available in this field as you may be required to work in several professional environments and for various employers – the public sector, training organizations, private institutions, organizations or even temporary employment agencies, for instance. Depending on the needs and requirements of each company, your potential future employer can offer you several types of contracts: permanent contracts, fixed-term or interim contracts, for instance.
You may be required to work in a school or any other educational institution of the public sector – such as a teacher, educator, nursery assistant or senior educational consultant among many others. Some job opportunities will also allow you to work remotely.

If you are interested in a job as an adult educator, your employer may give you some assignments – such as teaching general subjects like Foreign Languages (English, German, French, Luxembourgish, etc.) or Mathematics, but also professional subjects like Accounting or new software among others. Sometimes, you will also be responsible for continuing education.

Working in this business sector requires certain skills such as pedagogy, a certain sense of interpersonal skills, a high adaptability, good listening skills and a great stress resistance. Your potential future Luxembourgian employer may also ask for your diplomas, certifications or some professional experience depending on the position you are seeking.
We advise you to read each job offer very carefully and make sure that you have all the prerequisites for the position you are applying for before submitting your application – CV and cover letter. Do not hesitate to highlight your skills and qualities that make you an excellent professional in the Education and Training business sector during the recruitment process.