Job advertisements in the field of security in Luxembourg

Are you looking for a job in the Security sector in Luxembourg? Discover here hundreds of job offers related to this category and find your dream job!

The security sector is recruiting in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and many employers are currently offering job advertisements for security guard, security agent or watchmen!

Among the main companies that offer jobs in this field can be found private companies in the security business (security agencies) such as G4S, which is often looking for security officers and dog handlers for example, or stores looking for watchmen (security guards) and occupational health and safety referent such as Auchan Luxembourg. Public actors such as the Government of Luxembourg regularly recruit investigators and inspectors or people responsible for customs surveillance. The field of security is essential because it ensures safety and prevention of dangers in all kinds of private and public events.

To access these positions, you will have to pass various contests and certifications such as the SSIAP2 or equivalent, the SST up to date or the H0B0 (electrical clearance to practice fire alarm installations.) In addition, having experience as a firefighter or in the military (as a volunteer or not) is a considerable advantage to enter these professions.

In Luxembourg, job offers posted online by recruiters in the security sector often offer fixed-term contracts and permanent contracts throughout the year. Indeed, it will be easier to find work as an employee than as a trainee or intern. However, if you really want to work in the security sector, make sure you carefully study the job offers before sending your application. Employers will be more impressed if they receive a CV and a cover letter mentioning the skills listed in their offer, and you will then be more likely to access the next steps of the recruitment process.