Portrait of the month: meet Pierre, an enthusiastic businessman

Maëlle Pintoavatar

Published on 04/08/2021, by Maëlle Pinto

Discover new professions, unique experiences, filled with doubts and fears, but above all with strength and perseverance. Meet professionals from all walks of life, with different jobs and backgrounds, and join us every first Wednesday of the month for a new portrait... And what if you found the job of your dreams?

Our profile of the month? Pierre, 51 years old, passionate entrepreneur. He tells us today about his career and the job he enjoys so much.

His path to entrepreneurship 

Pierre is an engineer by training and holds an MBA. With a wealth of past experience, he first acquired a solid experience in project management during 5 years at PWC and then managed the IT department of the Kirchberg Hospital (François-Elisabeth Foundation), after having successfully completed the merger of the IT of 3 hospitals in 2003.

He continued his career as Key Account Manager at CHAMP Cargosystems, in charge of all IT services of Cargolux. With his experience and a strong taste for the Enterprise, he decided to launch SeeZam S.A. in 2009 and is still the Managing Director.

Today, he is also the Executive Director of a company providing encryption of communications between companies in the airline and logistics sectors.

Leaving everything to create his own company

Pierre, a true "management epicurean", likes to mix a touch of skepticism with the practices he implements within his company.

What he appreciates most of all is the sharing of knowledge and experience with his entourage and collaborators. "My career path has allowed me to discover and get to know the financial and industrial sector of the Luxembourg market. I have evolved with increasing responsibilities, from a technical expert to a managerial position".

In 2008, he decided to leave everything behind to set up his own business. "I can't explain this desire to be an entrepreneur in any other way than by my desire to be an actor in my life and to have an unconditional need to be passionate about my work. Once I had found my favorite subject, I developed the business plan and started the adventure of creating my own company. 

Multitasking, antonyme of routine

As an entrepreneur and when launching a start-up, one is very often required to wear several hats and to manage different tasks "My job is similar some days to that of a digital banker, sometimes to that of the defender of confidential or personal data, commonly to that of a salesman, and on a daily basis it requires the exploitation of digital genius... in short: it is constantly reinventing itself."

Another essential point when starting your own business, customer satisfaction "Close to my customers, I strive to understand their needs and provide solutions with the unique tools my teams have developed. We offer digital tools that guarantee hyper-security and absolute confidentiality of exchanges."

In all sectors of activity, and in particular in the field of Human Resources, the use of a virtual safe® makes sense " the distribution and sharing of HR documents requires true digital hygiene), as well as for Boards of Directors, General Meetings or Asset Management. The advantages of the virtual safe® will also be appreciated in the insurance sector, healthcare, intellectual property protection and exchanges between a lawyer and his client.

He has been able to develop a quality service with his partners and colleagues, but above all, build real digital trust "trust cannot be bought, it is earned over time."

"If today I talk about profitability and growth, there were times when the key words were resilience and tenacity!"

If being an entrepreneur can be like a dream, setting up your own business, your own project is not a piece of cake! More than a challenge, it is above all necessary to be passionate, committed and "ready to roll up your sleeves" according to Pierre.

As the job market is changing very quickly, it is also essential to "understand, anticipate and find solutions".

Knowing how to launch an entrepreneurial venture is not an easy thing to do," he says. "The leader of a start-up is sometimes misunderstood, he has to be visionary, he is sometimes daring, he knows that it will be difficult, but he has to be a Swiss Army knife because he has to be able to manage and deal with all the ins and outs of the company he is launching.

Working, yes, but not only...

And even if his work has an important place in his life and that he devotes many hours to it, having a balance between his professional and personal life remains necessary for him " Professional life would be sad if it were not embellished with passions and hobbies after hours. I practice theatrical improvisation (I play, I am a coach and referee and incidentally President of the Luxembourg Federation of Improvisation), I love sailing boats (I am a skipper) and I like to dance a salsa to remind myself that I am not excellent everywhere but that having fun is essential in life!

And if he has succeeded in undertaking and launching his project, it is because he has shown resilience and tenacity. The entrepreneur is above all a person ready to take risks and make decisive choices to develop the project he believes in. For Pierre, his knowledge and past experiences in the working world allowed him to be ready to take action.

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