Recruiters: all candidates are atypical

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Published on 09/01/2022, by Marion Peter

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Looking for the ideal candidate

In the recruitment process, each recruiter, whatever the company, generally has a very precise vision of the candidate he/she wishes to recruit. The search for this individual with an atypical, original and offbeat profile can sometimes be difficult to find. What if, in the end, all the candidates you meet are atypical?

What is an atypical profile?

Every career path is unique and rich at the same time. If some of the profiles you meet have followed a classic, "usual" pattern, their personal and human experiences may have enriched their life path (humanitarian missions, travels near or around the world, participation in a charitable association, sports, etc.).

Recruiting the right candidate: 5 important elements to consider 

  1. Motivation: it is not always easy for a candidate to show his motivation on the day of the interview... Stress can work against him. As an employer, you can help them by proposing role plays (depending on your sector of activity, of course). For example, you can analyze his sales method, or ask him to name two things he would like to change in your company. It's up to you to show kindness and listen to what he says. In this way, you will be able to assess their motivation and see if their vision is in line with that of your company.
  2. Personality: we all agree that you can't arrive at a job interview like you arrive at the beach in summer. But many candidates don't dare show themselves as they are in an interview. And maybe that's also the problem. Let's go natural! It's also up to you, dear recruiters, to put the person in front of you at ease. This is a real winning combination: the person in front of you will feel confident and ready to reveal their talents to you and you will be delighted to discover their true personality. 
  3. Relational qualities: even if human relations can sometimes be complex, it is important that your future collaborator appreciates human contact. Whether it is with your team, clients or patients, if human beings exist, it is above all to communicate with others. Beware, shyness is not a determining factor. During a first meeting, the person in front of you may have difficulty expressing himself or herself or may be confused. Do you see potential in this person? You can always give them a second chance in a second interview. 😊
  4. His/her adaptability: the person has experienced different sectors of activity, different jobs or various other diverse experiences (for a young student, this may concern his/her passions for example) and change, the unknown does not scare him/her. This is a major asset since it means that she has the ability to learn new skills quickly and is open to learning. This is a real strength to integrate any company, especially start-ups and SMEs.
  5. Curiosity: is curiosity really a "bad habit"? We're not talking about indiscretion or intrusive behavior, but rather a thirst to learn, to understand, to know more. To be curious is also to learn about oneself, one's behavior, to know how to question and analyze. The path is long, but necessary to grow, evolve and gain in maturity. Don't hesitate to ask him/her about subjects related to your field of activity, but also to test his/her curiosity on topics other than work. 

What if all the candidates were atypical, after all?

Giving everyone a chance also means accepting the richness of each person's background. So maybe in the end, we all have an atypical part in us. In the end, the most important thing is to find THE person who is motivated, ready to invest his or her time to help your company grow and evolve. A collaborator who is in agreement with your strategy (or not, in the end?), who will be able to bring his or her own personal point of view and way of thinking to the table.

If you are looking for your ideal future collaborator, don't hesitate to use all your communication channels, to make your ads dynamic and interesting, but above all, to make them reflect your company's image. Are you a young and fun company? Make it known in your ad! It will be easier for candidates to imagine themselves in your company if the job offer truly reflects your values.

Do you want to change your life, your job, or take a new course? Make your choice among the 3500 online job offers on Moovijob and the continuing education offers in Luxembourg.

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