Portrait of the month: he is a Franco-German citizen but works in Luxembourg

Maëlle Pintoavatar

Published on 07/12/2022, by Maëlle Pinto


We are back with a new portrait of the month, to end this 2022 year!

And today we present you Ugo Kromer, Junior Tax Consultant at Deloitte Luxembourg.

"The willingness to learn, evolve, meet and cooperate with people to deliver results I wouldn’t be able to deliver alone." Ugo Kromer - Junior Tax Consultant - Deloitte Luxembourg

Hello Ugo, can you briefly introduce yourself?

Hey, my name is Ugo Kromer, I’m 26 years old and I’m a Franco-German citizen, currently working as a Junior Tax Consultant at Deloitte Luxembourg. I like playing and watching football, spending time with my favorite people and cooking. 😊

What are the advantages of having this dual nationality?

Well, especially in Luxembourg, it is quite convenient to be able to communicate in both languages as these are both the administrative ones of the country. Further, in my opinion, knowing different cultures helps to perceive some situations from different angles.

What is your academic and professional background?

I started studying Business Administration at the ISFATES, which is a cooperation between the Université de Lorraine and the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes offering integrated study program in several fields of study. 

Subsequently, I decided to deepen my knowledge in the field of finance. Thus, I started a Master’s Degree at the same institution in Management Sciences with focus on International Finance. To complete my study program, I did my final year internship in Luxembourg, where I got the opportunity to be taken over after completion.

Why did you choose to work in Luxembourg?

For different reasons.

"First, because Luxembourg is one of the most important financial hub in Europe known for its expertise, which I perceived as an opportunity to develop my technical skills."

Further, I enjoy evolving in an international environment and, there, Luxembourg presents amazing opportunities. 

Last but not least, since both German and French are official languages, I saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of both languages coming to Luxembourg.

Which company do you work for?

Deloitte Luxembourg within the Tax department and more precisely in Cross-Border Taxation.

Can you tell us a little bit about Deloitte?

It is a provider for (mainly) financial services (audit, tax, consulting) with a worldwide presence throughout its network.

Now, tell us about your job

I am currently working as a Junior Tax Consultant within the Cross-Border Taxation department. There, I support my team in the preparation of the deliverables of our clients who are alternative investment funds. As mentioned before, I have been working there since April 2022, first in the course of my final year internship and became a Junior in September 2022.

What are your missions?

  • Scoping, specifying, developing, testing and maintaining the Investor tax reporting process in our AIF Investor tax reporting system, 
  • Supporting the production of AIF investor tax reporting on a daily basis for investors,
  • Operating business analysis tasks,
  • Supporting client on-boarding projects,
  • Helping clients having a better understanding of their investments and the return they generate.

Why did you choose this field/job?

Because this field gathers several exciting topics and aspects I’m interested into.

I am very happy to be where I am right now. The job is exciting, there are many things to learn and the team I joined is made up of great people, so that time at work goes by incredibly fast. 😉

Does your job require a certain degree?

Yes, it requires a Bachelor’s Degree or a Master’s Degree, ideally with a certain background in Finance.

Do you need to speak several languages for your job?

Not necessarily, but it may help especially in the daily office life since Deloitte is a very international company.

Would you say that it is important to be able to speak several languages to work in Luxembourg?

Since there is an incredible amount of nations represented in Luxembourg, I definitely think that it can be an advantage.

What motivates you on a daily basis?

The willingness to learn, evolve, meet and cooperate with people to deliver results I wouldn’t be able to deliver alone.

Finally, do you have a good story or experience to share about Luxembourg?

Every day has been full of positive experiences so far, both at work and out of work. 😊

Feel free to share your professional or personal experiences in Luxembourg in our forum.

What if you were our next portrait of the month? Do not hesitate to contact us or comment this article (communication@moovijob.com). 😊

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