Compass Group Luxembourg launches its collaborative learning platform!

Maëlle Pintoavatar

Published on 27/03/2024, by Maëlle Pinto


Since the start of the year, more than 2,100 employees of Compass Group Luxembourg, which includes the companies Eurest, InnoClean & Camille, have been able to train and develop their careers using the 360 Learning platform. 

With this platform, the Group, which specialises in services for businesses and individuals, has embarked on the final phase of its digital transformation. For a number of years now, procedures such as holiday booking and clocking in and out have been digitalised to make life easier for employees. In parallel, the company's employees were subjected to a satisfaction survey about their needs and their feelings about the work they do on a daily basis. This revealed three key points:

Better communication with and between employees 

The company therefore launched the Actimo application, renamed MyCompass, in the summer of 2022. It's a practical tool that's quick and easy to use, enabling teams to stay in touch and get the latest useful information about their company and the Group. 

A need for recognition of the commitment made on a daily basis 

The "Villmools Merci" programme was therefore introduced for the first time in October 2022. A three-day period during which the work of the teams is rewarded and celebrated through customers and management satisfaction, as well as highlighting the employees who make a difference every day. 

Development and better training 

This is where the 360 learning platform comes in. Deployed progressively for each of the entities, it offers a number of advantages, the first of which is access from anywhere, at any time and on any device (computer, smartphone & tablet). Users then have access to a multitude of courses including interactive elements as well as progress tracking, all of which make the experience even more engaging.

More than just a platform, 360 Learning allows the Compass Group learners to interact directly with their trainer, whether it's about their needs or questions for one of the courses they've taken. For example, a Eurest cook can easily learn how to identify allergenic products, while an InnoClean agent can quickly acquire various cleaning and disinfection methods. As for a Camille nurse, she can learn how to digitise patient records in just a few clicks, thanks to modules created by in-house experts. 

360 Learning offers soft skills, hard skills and technical training for all the Group's businesses, as well as an integration programme for all employees. Compass Group Luxembourg's new platform is intuitive and easy to use, and all the company's employees can now use it to enhance their skills!

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