76% of Luxembourg companies offer remote work

Maëlle Pintoavatar

Published on 07/08/2024, by Maëlle Pinto

télétravail au Luxembourg

Ah, remote work! Once the privilege of a lucky few in the tech sector, it has become the norm since the COVID-19 pandemic. With pyjamas turning into work uniforms and cats attending Zoom meetings, Luxembourg is not escaping this home office revolution.

But what about today? A few years after the pandemic, where do Luxembourg companies and employees stand on the subject of remote work? Let’s dive into this phenomenon that has transformed our professional lives with statistics and anecdotes!

Luxembourg companies: for or against remote work?

You might be reading this article at home, coffee in hand, because your company said "yes" to remote work. Well, that's the case for 76% of Luxembourg workers. A LinkedIn survey reveals that 13% can work remotely as much as they want, and 63% can do so, but under certain conditions. Only 24% of respondents do not have this option.

Why these 24%? The answer is simple: some jobs do not allow remote work. Think of healthcare professionals, construction workers, and services requiring physical presence. Yes, not everyone can turn their living room into an office. However, professions such as IT developers, financial analysts or digital marketing specialists are more conducive to remote work, thanks to digital tools that facilitate working from a distance. Some companies, by choice or necessity, also prefer to maintain a physical presence in the office.

How many days at home? Employee preferences

Now, the big question: how many days per week is it ideal to work from home? A complementary LinkedIn survey reveals that the majority of Luxembourg workers would opt for a hybrid model. 59% of respondents believe that one to two days of remote work per week would be the winning combo!

20% prefer three to four days at home, while only 7% wish to be fully remote. Conversely, 14% of participants swear by the good old full-time office. This diversity of preferences shows that remote work is not a universal solution, but the hybrid option clearly seems to be the most popular.

The benefits of remote work for you and your company

For employees:

  • Work-life balance: no more traffic jams or races against time! Remote work makes it easier to juggle work and private life.
  • Less stress: no daily commutes means less stress and more time for yourself.
  • Flexibility: managing your schedule as you see fit? Yes, please!

"I work three days a week from home, which allows me to drop off and pick up the kids from school on those days. My wife has one day of remote work per week. In the end, we only pay for one day of after-school care per week, and that's great! With five close-aged children, it quickly becomes expensive." - Maurice, 45, Web developer.

"My company is super flexible with hours and remote work. As a cross-border worker, it’s really cool! I’m less bothered by train delays or cancellations, and I was also able to sign up for sports classes near my home!" - Léa, 26, Communication officer.

For employers:

  • Increased productivity: fewer distractions + greater concentration = more productive employees.
  • Cost reduction: less office space to rent and fewer infrastructures to maintain, which means savings.
  • Attracting talent: offering remote work attracts and retains top talents!

"By allowing remote work, we'be seen a 20% increase in productivity and a reduction in stress among our employees. This flexibility is key to their well-being and our success." - Testimonial from a Director in Luxembourg.

Reminder of remote work laws in Luxembourg for residents and cross-border workers

For residents:

  • Agreement between social partners: a 2020 framework agreement defines the terms of remote work, the rights, and obligations of employers and employees.
  • Equal rights: remote workers have the same rights as their on-site colleagues, particularly regarding working conditions, remuneration, and social protection.

For cross-border workers:

  • Bilateral agreements: Luxembourg has signed agreements with France, Belgium and Germany enabling cross-border workers to work remotely up to a certain number of days per year without tax impact.
  • Tax limits: in general, cross-border workers can work remotely up to 34 days a year without affecting their tax status. Beyond that, they may be subject to tax in their country of residence.
  • Social security limits: to avoid losing their Luxembourg social security cover, cross-border workers must also take ensure not to exceed a certain proportion of remote work. According to European regulations, a cross-border worker can't work more than 50% of their time in their country of residence without risking transferring their social security to that country.

Remote work in Luxembourg is a real blessing for those who want to combine comfort and efficiency! With 63% of companies offering this flexibility and a majority of workers preferring a hybrid model, it is clear that remote work is here to stay. But this is just the beginning! The future of remote work promises even more innovations. Imagine immersive virtual offices or hyper-connected collaborative tools. So get ready, because the future of work is set to be as dynamic as it is impressive!

Looking for a job in Luxembourg with remote work opportunities? Visit Moovijob.com.

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