Who’s behind Moovijob.com?

Yannick FRANKavatar

Published on 23/08/2024, by Yannick FRANK

qui se cache derriere moovijob.com

Founded in France in June 2007, the company expanded to Luxembourg in 2011. Nearly 15 years later, Moovijob.com has become the leading recruitment media in the Grand Duchy. As an effective intermediary between companies and candidates, Moovijob.com is responsible for numerous job placements every day, changing many lives in the process! But do you know exactly who is behind your favourite job board?

A private, local, and... human ownership

Moovijob.com has the privilege of not being dependent on a "global" group, which is often disconnected from the realities of the local market. Instead, it has a private ownership that has been involved since the beginning of the venture. The board of directors, hailing from Alsace, Lorraine, and Germany, has an in-depth understanding of the region's specifics as well as the unique aspects of the Luxembourg job market. The company benefits from the leadership of Bertrand Cuinet (CEO of Moovijob.com) and Yannick Frank (Director of Moovijob.com), who are actively involved in all strategic decisions. This creates a clear connection between the company's strategy and the realities on the ground.

This structure, combined with a deep understanding of the market, has enabled the company to experience growth since 2015, despite facing a challenging path. Indeed, the life of a company is not always smooth—especially in the employment sector! While the two "virtual" years, marked by COVID-19 lockdowns, could have been the end for Moovijob.com, the opposite happened, and the company emerged stronger and more resilient than before.

Resilience, passion, professionalism, and fun are the key values at the heart of the company with the double "O"!

Bertrand Cuinet, CEO of Moovijob.com (left) and Yannick Frank, Director of Moovijob.com (right)

A passionate team

The management's current intention is to maintain a small, close-knit team of about twenty employees. They could have chosen to expand rapidly across Europe by opening offices in various countries, especially since there were numerous requests from Germany, France, Belgium, and Switzerland. However, Moovijob.com prefers to do things differently, focusing on quality over quantity.

In fact, the company surprised everyone in 2019 by deciding to stop organizing the large "Moovijob Tour" job fairs in France, even though they were market leaders. The goal? To concentrate on the rapidly changing Luxembourg job market. Five years later, this gamble has paid off. Moovijob.com has become the undisputed leader in the Luxembourg job market, surpassing long-established global job boards.

The secret? There's no magic formula, just hard work and dedication from the Moovijob.com team, who are passionate about their jobs and committed to helping (and caring for) both recruiters and candidates. Balancing between job board operations, event planning, and content creation, the Mooviteam is never bored, with each day bringing new challenges. The variety of 5,000 job offers on the site, combined with the demands of the Luxembourg job market, keeps the company constantly evolving. Brainstorming, continuous improvement processes, and interactions with recruiters and candidates are all part of the daily routine for this dynamic team.

The Moovijob.com team at the Moovijob Day Luxembourg 2024 event (left) and at the Moovijob Night Luxembourg 2024 event (right)

At Moovijob.com, everything is homemade

Hence the nickname "recruitment artisans"! Whether it's website development, event organization, or launching various communication campaigns, everything is crafted within the company’s offices in Luxembourg City. The "Made in Luxembourg" label has never been more fitting and perfectly describes Moovijob.com. The "I love my job" campaign and the "attractiveness" indicator are concrete examples of projects initiated and completed within the company's meeting room.

Moovijob.com was the first company to dare to hold 100% Luxembourgish events… abroad. This new concept, also conceived in the company’s offices, allowed the Luxembourg job market to be represented in well-known venues such as the Pavillon Vendôme, Pavillon Gabriel, Philharmonie de Paris, Maison de la Poste in Brussels, and Saarlandhalle in Saarbrücken.

Partners and clients with absolute loyalty

It’s often said that you get the clients you deserve. Moovijob.com has partnerships with over 1,000 Luxembourgish companies across all sectors. The human relationships established enable positive exchanges and result in a very high level of satisfaction. Most of the partners have been with the company since its early days—an increasingly rare and moving loyalty.

And that’s not all! In a time when we live life at full speed, the company continues to take a step back to move forward more effectively. There are many projects and ideas in the pipeline… What’s next? Stay tuned and follow us along our journey! 

While we wait for the next chapters of our story, each day brings new recruitments, new contracts signed, and new lives changed. And this is exactly what Moovijob.com is proud of!

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