Reveal your talents in the Public Service with GovJobs!

Maëlle Pintoavatar

Published on 05/09/2023, by Maëlle Pinto


Today, we are more than 35,000 state agents dedicated to the smooth running of the country and to making a difference in the lives of citizens. Have you thought about joining us? 

GovJobs is the main recruitment channel for the Public Service in Luxembourg and pursues one mission: to reveal talents.

Diversity of jobs

Some are born to be engineers. Others have loved nature or languages since childhood, or have always wanted to be a police officer. It is within the various ministries and administrations of the country that you will find the territory where to make your dreams and ambitions come true.. 

Indeed, from teachers to police officers, surveyors and lawyers, without forgetting computer scientists, analysts or psychologists: the Public Service stands for an impressive diversity of jobs. What is more, jobs that are in perpetual evolution, to meet the needs of society.

At the heart of a country on the move

Contributing to the social, cultural and economic development of the country: this is a unique mission. Some joined the civil service as soon as they left school. Others during their career. But all of them pursue a common goal: to advance society and reinvent the relationship between the state and citizens.

At the service of society

By working for the general interest, our agents play their role in society while flourishing as individuals. You too can put your skills at the service of the country's ministries and administrations, where they can continue to evolve!

Do you want to know more about working for the Public Service in Luxembourg? 

Then look behind the scenes and discover the faces of those who evolve within the ministries and administrations of the country!

Frequently asked questions

What languages do I need to master to be able to join the Public Service? Do I have to pass an exam before I can work for the state?

We provide answers to the most frequent questions: 

The different ways to join the Public Service

The state generally hires civil servants or state employees. One of the differences between the two is the hiring process. To apply for a civil servant position, you must first pass the general aptitude test (Ă©preuve d’aptitude gĂ©nĂ©rale). Once you have this entry ticket in your pocket, you can apply for all open civil servant positions on To work as a state employee, you can directly apply for job offers on, without having to pass the general aptitude test beforehand. 

Are you looking for further details on the subject? 

Follow the links below to find all the information you need! 

Many opportunities await you

We are constantly looking for new talents who wish to make a difference, at the service of society!

Discover the many positions that are currently open GovJobs website and on

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