Cross-border commuters in Luxembourg: this is the financial aid you can get

Florane Giolatavatar

Published on 18/07/2023, by Florane Giolat

If you live in a neighboring country but work in Luxembourg, you may be entitled to certain benefits that Luxembourg resident workers receive. Find out which ones in this article.


In addition to the benefits provided by the government of your home country, you may be eligible for additional benefits under certain conditions, if you live in a neighboring country and work in Luxembourg.

Family allowance


Cross-border workers in Luxembourg are entitled to the Luxembourgish family allowance. It is paid as soon as a child is born into the household, and will be paid up to the age of 25 if the child is pursuing a secondary education, a higher education, an education at a differentiated education center or an apprenticeship with a salary below the social minimum wage.

The family receives an amount of 292.54 euros per month and per child. This amount is increased by 22.11 euros when the child turns 6 years old, and by 55.19 euros once the child turns 12. There are several conditions that need to be met in order to receive this allowance: one parent must work in Luxembourg and be affiliated with the Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale (CCSS). Additionally, the child must reside either in a European Union country, or in a country with which Luxembourg has concluded a social security agreement.


Back-to-school allowance

At the start of each new school year, Luxembourg provides financial aid for the purchase of school supplies, given that the parents work in Luxembourg and the child attends school there.


It is paid automatically in August by the Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants (CAE). No application is necessary, and you can receive the allowance for each of your children. The amount varies according to the child's age. For example, for a child aged between 6 and 11, the amount is 115 euros. From the age of 12 years, it rises to 235 euros.

Birth allowance

To receive the birth allowance, an application is necessary. It is paid in three instalments, each amounting to 580.03 euros: the prenatal allowance, the birth allowance and the postnatal allowance.


The prenatal and birth allowances apply to all women who are pregnant or have given birth, whether they are a resident in Luxembourg or not. In the case of the latter, they may receive the allowance if they work in Luxembourg and are not already entitled to a similar benefit in their country of residence.

Prenatal allowance:

The Prenatal allowance is paid on condition that the mother undergoes 5 medical examinations and one dental examination. She must also be affiliated with the CCSS.

Birth allowance:

After giving birth, the mother is eligible to get the actual birth allowance. She must undergo 1 postnatal examination by a doctor specializing in gynecology, and be affiliated with the CCSS. The child must be born viable, i.e. the pregnancy has lasted more than 22 weeks.

Postnatal allowance:

To qualify for the postnatal allowance, your child must undergo six medical examinations until it's two years old that are carried out by a pediatric specialist, an internal medicine specialist or a general practitioner. Finally, at least one parent must work in Luxembourg and be affiliated with the CCSS. The postnatal allowance can be claimed by the child's father, mother, or another legal guardian of the child.

Childcare Service Vouchers (CSA)

The childcare service vouchers (chèque-service acceuil - CSA) are intended for low-income families with one or more children that are enrolled in day nurseries or day care centers, or attending school in Luxembourg. It helps finance childcare costs, as well as extra-curricular activities with CSA partner organizations. Membership for the childcare service vouchers is free and open to cross-border workers in Luxembourg.

Depending on the parents' income and wealth, these vouchers entitle them to 20 hours of free childcare for children aged 1 to 4 in group childcare facilities, as well as reduced rates for these facilities. It is deducted directly from the monthly bill. To benefit from the CSA, the parent or legal guardian must be affiliated with the CCSS or work for a European institution. In addition, the child for whom the CSA is requested must receive family allowance in Luxembourg (paid either by the CAE or by the European institution).

State Financial Aid for students (AideFi)

All full-time and part-time students, including cross-border workers and children of cross-border worker, who study in Luxembourg are entitled to financial student aid (AideFi):

  • If they are enrolled as a full-time or part-time student in a program of higher education;
  • if at least one parent has been affiliated with the CCSS for a cumulative period of at least 5 years over a 10-year period, or the student has been enrolled for at least 5 cumulative years in a public or private school or, at a university in Luxembourg.

For non-resident students, financial aid is a financial substitute, that they may receive if they do not get such an aid or simply insufficient aid in their country of residence. Before applying for the AideFi, they must have taken all the necessary steps in their country of residence to obtain financial aid for their studies. The official response, positive or negative, for the current academic year must be attached to the application for AideFi. The latter is made up of various cumulative grants, but the basic grant is always set at 1,199 euros per semester.

Want to find out more about working and living in Luxembourg? Then check out our blog. 

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