Job advertisements for sales assistant in Luxembourg

On this page, discover all the companies that are proposing job offers of sales assistant in Luxembourg in the category Sales on Moovijob.

On this page, you will find many job offers for the job of sales assistant. Many employers are looking for candidates specialized in sales in Luxembourg.

The sales assistant is in charge of connecting the company with its customers or prospects. He/she can also assist the sales manager in the sales and the marketing of the company's products and services. His/her main tasks include commercial aspects such as managing customer requests, taking orders, canvassing (prospection) and making follow-up calls, in addition to administrative tasks such as the creation and storage of files, e-mail management and customer invoicing.

Thanks to the diversity of the sales assistant's skills, he or she is able to work in a wide range of structures, from small SMEs to large companies. In some companies, the job will sometimes be called sales or commercial secretary and job advertisements can occasionally be listed on the Reception / Administration / Office Management page, which is why it is important to enter the right keywords when you do your search on Moovijob.

Thanks to its proximity to the administration field, the position of sales assistant can be suitable for experienced secretary workers, as long as they have a good commercial background and excellent interpersonal skills. Indeed, these are the most sought-after qualities by recruiters who are hiring for this position. If you are interested in working as a commercial assistant in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, do not forget to carefully study the job offer you are interested in and to find out about the company that has advertised it online before sending your application.

There are many career development opportunities for a commercial assistant. He or she can first of all consider progressing in his or her field of activity and become a Sales consultant or an account manager, he or she can specialise in a particular field and become an experienced commercial (sales) technician. Finally, their ability to master several languages will be a real asset to progress in this profession in Luxembourg.