Job advertisements for cloud engineer in Luxembourg

Interested in the IT Consulting business sector in Luxembourg? Discover in this page several job offers as Cloud Engineer or Data Scientist.

Are you looking for a new challenge as a Cloud Engineer? In this page, we have gathered for you several different job offers available for this job in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Check them now and find your dream job!

If you want to work as a Cloud Engineer – or sometimes called Cloud Computing Engineer – the recruiter will expect you to have some specific skills. As a professional in the IT business sector – that means Information Technology – you will need to have a strong knowledge of a wide range of computer and digital tools for this job. You will need to assess which provider is the most suitable: the Microsoft-Azure Cloud platform, Cloud AWS (Amazon Web Services) developer tools or the Linux operating system, for instance – depending on the company you are working for.
Your potential future employer will ask you to guarantee the security of the company's cloud data – storing, deploying and managing data – but also to perform several different IT operations – helping with computer equipment or software related issues, among others. The CDN – that means content delivery network will be another of your principal assignments.

You can also find some specialized jobs in the IT Infrastructure - Network - System business sector – such as IT engineer, network and infra computing engineer or even security engineer. There is thus a wide range of jobs in the cloud you can apply for.
You will find all the skills, diplomas and training courses required for the specific occupation listed in each employment and recruitment opportunity available on our website. There are different types of contracts for this job in Luxembourg – depending on the needs of each recruiter. However, the Freelance contract will be the most predominant type of contract.