Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Are you a data fan looking for a new challenge? Maybe as data scientist or data analyst? Check now job offers here (permanent contract / freelance).
Data Scientist / Analyst
Data Scientist (M/F)
CFL - Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois
CTG IT Solutions - Data Scientist
CTG IT Solutions
Data Scientist / Analyst (m/f) (réf. E00033344)
Consultant Data Scientist & IA
UFO² Consulting
Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
The daily use of IT tools allows a massive collection of professional and private data stored in the cloud. This data is extremely important for companies that use it to determine their strategy. These companies are therefore recruiting many data scientists and data analysts – sometimes called Business Analyst – who are responsible for analyzing databases and bringing out relevant information. We can notice more and more job offers for this position in Luxembourg in many different fields.
When employers are recruiting, they will be looking for candidates with a strong knowledge of Big Data analysis software. A natural ability to manage statistics is also the heart of this occupation. Recruiters in Luxembourg are also for candidates with a transversal vision of their activities because they must be able to track new sources of information useful for the studies carried out in addition to analyzing existing data.
The occupation of data scientist is slightly different from the one of data analyst. The only difference between these two jobs is that the data scientist works with a larger number of data than the data analyst. So, if you are a senior data analyst, you might be eligible to apply for a job of data scientist.
To become a data scientist, you will need to obtain a Master’s degree. Job offers available on our website show us that there are several different specializations to work in the IT field.
A recruiter will indeed be interested in a candidate with training courses specialized in mathematics, statistics, and data analysis. However, some companies – including those specialized in IT consultancy – may have more prerequisites and ask for a specific training as an engineer with specialization in Big Data or a Master in Datamining and Knowledge Management to only give a few examples.