Portrait of the month: Debbie's remarkable journey in sustainable fashion and women empowerment

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Published on 01/08/2024, by Loïc Braun

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This month’s portrait features Debbie, the amazing founder of Devï Clothes. Her brand isn’t just about fabulous, sustainable fashion, but it’s also a powerhouse for women empowerment and community development. Ready to be inspired by Debbie’s incredible journey and her heart-driven business? Keep reading! 

The impact of childhood on today’s Debbie

Ever since she was a kid, she’s had a thing for colorful outfits, a trait she got from her mom, who she says is "probably the most colorful person you'll ever see in your life". She also values the storytelling aspect of clothing, a love sparked by her grandmother, an avid traveler who always had beautiful stories to share. In today’s fast-paced fashion world, she is determined to bring back the art of storytelling through clothing.

Debbie grew up in a lively household with three brothers. She considers her family unique, as her parents always encouraged their children to chase their dreams, fear nothing, and embrace freedom. After spending a gap year traveling the world and exploring different paths, she decided to study biology. It was during this time that she became aware of the environmental impact of the fast fashion industry. After earning her bachelor's degree in biology, she completed several internships, which paved the way for her master's degree in "Sustainable Business and Innovation" in the Netherlands.  


From her internship in India…

She initially completed two internships in Luxembourg before spending five months in India, a country she was always fascinated by due to her grandma’s stories. Fueled by her passion for sustainable fashion, she visited Saheli Women (whose name means "female friends"), a female social enterprise in Rajasthan, in 2018 to learn about their collaborations with brands. However, she discovered that few brands worked with them due to a lack of awareness about sustainability. Determined to make a difference, she teamed up with the Saheli Women to create her first collection by upcycling existing clothes. This transformative experience paved the way for her master's degree, where she dived deeper into creating sustainable businesses. 


… to the start of her business 

"I had no intention of turning it into a business. It was really heart-driven, not money or success-driven. And I think that was the key to its success".

At first, the women working with her weren’t fashion professionals and had no prior industry knowledge, but they were incredibly hardworking. The Saheli Women wanted to put a label and a name on the first collection, but Debbie initially felt it wasn’t necessary. However, seeing the success in Luxembourg, lead her to create more collections and expand into events and pop-up stores. When brainstorming names, Debbie knew that meaning and storytelling were key. That's how she landed on "Devï", which means "Goddess" in Sanskrit.

She started with no formal business plan, opting instead for a month-by-month approach. Her strategy was, and still is today, to stay open-minded, adapt to whatever comes her way, build a solid team, and ensure financial sense.  

Debbie has built a deep connection with the people in India, who are incredibly welcoming. Her experience with the Saheli Women has been particularly special. When she visits India, she stays with the founder of Saheli Women, Madhu Vaishnav, considering her as her "Indian mama". This mentor-mentee relationship is both beautiful and profound: "I get goosebumps just thinking about it", she says, reflecting on the mutual support and guidance they’ve provided each other along the way.

Devï store in Luxembourg 


What inspires her every day at work? 

Every day at work, Debbie is inspired by the human aspect of her job. It’s the trust she places in humanity that has been a driving force behind her business's success. Whether she's in India or Morocco, it’s the faith she has in people that has helped her find reliable manufacturers and producers. 

In a time when many are growing more cautious about the unknown and unfamiliar cultures, Debbie's approach truly shines. She believes that trust in humanity is also evident in her store in Luxembourg. It's not just about selling clothes; it's about fostering connections and infusing each project with meaning. 


Plans for the future 

Debbie has recently expanded her vision by opening a new store dedicated to decoration and furniture. A new bar will be opening next to her clothing store, complete with a terrace where people can relax and enjoy themselves.

After this new venture is up and running, Debbie plans to take some time to reflect on and appreciate the incredible journey of the past six years. It’s a moment for her to slow down, savor her achievements, and take time for herself. 


Find all our portraits of the month on our blog.

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