Portrait of the month: Maëlle, communication heroine masters the art of words with finesse and punchiness

Estelle Fernandezavatar

Published on 07/05/2024, by Estelle Fernandez

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In the middle of the conference room where we usually brainstorm, we sat down for a minute with Maëlle, head of the communication department at Moovijob.com. A born manager (and a bit of an influencer), she has taken the time to answer our questions and reveal her journey, successes, challenges, and a couple of communication tips.



From the Rhône to the Moselle: an adventure full of surprises...

It all began in 2021 when Maëlle decided to leave Lyon for new horizons. After completing her DUT in Sales Techniques, a year of Erasmus in Germany, and an eye-opening internship in marketing and communication, she embarked on a Franco-German Master's in Digital Marketing and Business Administration. The program involved a first year in Passau, Germany, followed by a second year in Metz, France.

Her rich experience abroad, especially her university exchange in Passau, coupled with her passion for digital, led her to join the Moovijob.com communication dream team for her final internship in 2022.

"Fun fact, the internship coordinator from my Master's program sent us the internship offer from Moovijob.com, but I didn't see it. A friend forwarded it to me knowing I wanted to work in Luxembourg. So, I applied, and after 3 interviews, I joined the Moovijob.com com team for my final internship."



The rise to success

Her arrival at Moovijob.com? A true professional love at first sight. After six months of internship, she secured a permanent position. Eleven months later, she was promoted to manager, a lightning rise reflecting her talent and dedication.

As a manager, Maëlle juggles budgets, communication plans, and strategic decisions with effortless ease. And armed with her pen, her inspiration (and her ring light), she tackles projects one after another, each more exciting than the last. Partnerships, sponsorships, interviews, content creation, writing: a variety of tasks that resonate with the communicator in her. And when asked about her favourite marketing activities, she reveals her top 3:

"I love managing sponsored posts: from targeting to choosing visuals and text, to budgeting. Then, I analyse the impact, gather statistics, and evaluate the results: reactions, views, likes... I also really enjoy video shoots and editing; I've always been comfortable in front of the camera. In third place, email and newsletter tools: I like creating short, impactful, and relevant texts while closely monitoring open, click, and unsubscribe rates..."


Highs and lows? Mostly highs!

Since joining Moovijob.com, Maëlle faces daily challenges. The first was overcoming one of her biggest fears, dogs. Fortunately, upon her arrival, Hirma, Moovijob.com's four-legged mascot, greeted her with a wagging tail and the cutest face possible. Fear #1: defused.

Always seeking improvement, she also shares her moments of joy:

"When the videos you produce receive a lot of positive feedback, many reactions, and likes, like the "Of course" video with CTG Luxembourg, it's truly a proud moment. Creating a project from A to Z, from scripting to shooting, and receiving nice comments is always great. I also appreciated working on projects never seen before at Moovijob.com, like surveys and street interviews, which were very successful."

And when asked to summarize her job in 5 words, she responds: "Multitasking, opportunities, exciting, freedom, and polyglot!".


Let’s summarise: marketing edition

  • Her top 3 current favourite trends? Micro-influencers, cosmetic ads, and especially the promotion of films and series across various social media platforms. These short and engaging formats, like Konbini's videos or Vogue's content, create an unprecedented closeness with actors and other public figures.

  • Her Roman Empire? Halloween and Christmas periods. She's always thinking about them!

  • Advice for young aspiring communication and marketing professionals? Persevere, be curious, and dare! And for her, apprenticeship is the best compromise between theory and practice.

  • Her top 3 dream interviews for a Portrait of the month? The communication head of a major cosmetics company or the advertising manager of a perfume brand, a wedding planner, or someone advocating for women's rights. She also suggests an anonymous interview with a street harasser to understand in detail the reasons behind such actions, the motivations.

  • Her favorite GIF? Homer Simpson hiding in the bushes. A funny and subtle teaser, to be used without moderation and perfect for communication and marketing!

  • One sentence to describe Moovijob.com?

"The recruitment media to follow in the coming years, with a dynamic, youthful tone/spirit, and a love for decoding."

 Source : Giphy

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