Job advertisements for php developer in Luxembourg

Are you a Developer and you master PHP programming? Check out the job offers of our partners in Luxembourg available in this page!

There are hundreds of job offers in the field of software development in Luxembourg! Indeed, if you are or will become a PHP Web Developer, programmer or even research engineer, you will find your future job here very certainly!
There are a wide range of different employers and you can work in a company or an NGE, for instance – namely Intrasoft International, Delaware Consulting Luxembourg, Wunderman Thompson, Devoteam, Technology Partner, Ausy Luxembourg PSF, Luxair Group, Lemanik Asset Management, and so on.

As a PHP Developer, your main assignments are to design a dynamic website and manage the related databases. In your job, you need to meet a set of project specifications provided by the Project Manager aiming to meet the needs. Knowing and mastering the AGILE approach is a great advantage. As a PHP Web Developer, you can also master other informatics languages – such as HTML or Java. You can choose to use the PHP informatics language with or without framework or open source, with Symfony or Laravel, for instance. A programmer needs to know several CMS – which stands for Content Management System – such as WordPress or PrestaShop to create, manage, and update websites while using a framework in open source. However, you can also use open source software such as LAMP – namely Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP – MAMP – namely Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP – or WAMP – namely Window, Apache, MySQL, PHP.

If you want a position of PHP Developer, you will need at least a Bachelor’s degree specialized in IT. Some recruiters are offering opportunities to self-educated people with a recognized experience and different projects to their credit. A beginner Developer in Luxembourg can earn between €2,300.00 and €2,800.00 gross per month. Sometimes, your employer will add meal tickets or a company to the salary. The salary package will depend on the business sector and the size of the company you will work for.
After some years of professional experience, a PHP Developer can become a Webmaster, IT Project Manager or Web Technical Project Manager.

In order to perfect your application, do not forget to detail the skills you master and join if possible a portfolio of your achievements.