
Secher Exploitation Sa careers and jobs
ZAC Langwies L-6131 Junglinster
51-100 employees
In a few words
SE LOGISTIQUE, basée à Florange (France, département 57), est une entreprise d’entreposage et de préparation de matériel d’échafaudage et de bâtiments modulaires pour les chantiers de sa maison mère SECHER EXPLOITATION.
Job offers
Job offers from Secher Exploitation Sa
Discover the 2 job offers currently available at the company Secher Exploitation Sa. Recruitments and job offers are regularly announced at Secher Exploitation Sa. To develop your career or apply for a job at Secher Exploitation Sa in Luxembourg, choose the position you are interested in from the list below and apply online.Add this company to your favorites and receive its new job offers as soon as they are published.
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Un chauffeur camion avec grue auxiliaire (m/f)
Secher Exploitation Sa

Employé / Agent polyvalent en bâtiments modulaires (H/F)
Secher Exploitation Sa