Portrait of the Month: Liliana, UX Designer at PwC, reveals the behind-the-scenes of UX Design

Leïla Kharoubiavatar

Published on 11/10/2023, by Leïla Kharoubi


Last month, you discovered Julien, Communication and Operations Coordinator at Moovijob.com. This month on the blog, we're talking design again with Liliana! 

User Experience (UX) design has become an essential pillar in today's digital landscape. It focuses on creating positive, efficient, and enjoyable interactions between users and digital products or services. To explore this field in depth, we spoke with Liliana, a UX Designer at PwC. Throughout our conversation, she shared her work passion, methodology, and valuable advice. 


UX Design, a complete experience  

"UX design is essential in an increasingly user-centered digital world."  

It goes beyond aesthetics because it also encompasses usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction. The user is at the heart of the design process, allowing for the development of products that better meet their needs and preferences.  

Well-thought-out UX design ensures that users can interact seamlessly with a website or application, for example. "And a smooth user experience also means a better online reputation!" she adds. 


Liliana's inspiring journey 

It all began with a personal quest: arriving in Luxembourg without speaking the local language, Liliana initially worked as a commercial assistant for three years.


"I wanted to continue my education. I have always been fascinated by marketing and design. Through a user experience course, I finally found my path and directed my career towards UX design."  

Without professional experience or specific training, Liliana enrolled in a UX Design program in Luxembourg. This transformative experience allowed her to secure her first internship and then her first job in the field. "I am very proud to have gone all the way; it's one of my greatest achievements," she confides. 


UX Design vs. UI Design  

Although often confused, UX design and UI design have distinct goals.  

While UX (user experience) focuses on a user's overall experience with a digital product, UI (user interface) delves more into the visual and interactive elements of the product. "To create a website that is both functional and visually appealing, collaboration between UX designers and UI designers is essential," Liliana emphasizes. 


User-Centered Design (UCD)  

UCD is one of the most used methodologies in UX design, and it relies on various pillars: 

  • Understanding users based on their experiences, needs, and feelings. 
  • Clearly define the problem to be solved based on gathered information. 
  • Generating creative ideas to solve this problem. 
  • Creating prototypes to test and evaluate design ideas. 
  • Gathering user feedback during the testing phase and making improvements. 
  • Developing and launching the final solution based on test information and feedback.  


"Although this methodology is ideal, it can be modified depending on the project's type and development stage," Liliana notes. 

She emphasizes the importance of user feedback, which she collects through surveys and tests, to identify trends and continually improve products. 


Daily challenges 

Liliana is currently thriving at PwC, where she enjoys a fulfilling role with diverse tasks and great opportunities. Her past experiences have been invaluable in helping her face challenges, especially since she worked in smaller companies. And one common challenge she faced was dealing with tight budgets. 

"Having a big budget is not a must. You just need to identify the most critical aspects to maximize the use of the available budget. Free tools exist, and with the emergence of AI-based solutions, personalizing user experiences becomes more accessible!"  

Liliana's top priority is to educate companies about the importance of UX. While some organizations have embraced it, others do not see it as a priority. "I will always advocate for UX design, even if it means educating stakeholders about its importance," she concludes. 


User-centered design goes far beyond a mere trend; it is a fundamental discipline that contributes to improving our daily online experience. These experiences are becoming more advanced and efficient thanks to passionate professionals like Liliana! 


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