Luxembourg Public Holidays and School Breaks in 2025

Maëlle Pintoavatar

Published on 04/11/2024, by Maëlle Pinto

jours feries et conges legaux luxembourg 2025

Whether you want to take a few days off, take advantage of a public holiday or book your next holiday, there's always a good reason to consult our calendar! In this article, you'll find the official dates for the next public holidays and school breaks in Luxembourg in 2025.

Luxembourg public holidays in 2025

Each year, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg offers 11 legal public holidays. Here are the next dates: 

  • New Year: Wednesday January 1
  • Easter Monday: Monday April 21
  • Labour Day: Thursday May 1
  • Europe Day: Friday May 9
  • Ascension Day: Thursday May 29
  • Whit Monday: Monday June 9
  • National Day: Monday June 23
  • Assumption: Friday August 15
  • All Saints: Saturday November 1
  • Christmas: Thursday December 25
  • Boxing Day: Friday December 26

Did you know? In Luxembourg, public holidays occurring on a weekend day are not lost, but must be taken on another day. This will be the case for November 1st, 2025 which is a Saturday. 

Luxembourg school holidays in 2025

☃️ Christmas holidays 2024/2025: from Saturday 21/12/24 until Sunday 05/01/25

🎭 Carnival holidays: from Saturday 15/02/25 until Sunday 23/02/25

🐣 Easter holidays: from Saturday 05/04/25 until Saturday 20/04/25

⛪ Pentecost holidays: from Saturday 24/05/25 until Sunday 01/06/25

🏖️ Summer holidays: from Wednesday 16/07/25 until Sunday 14/09/25

🍁 All Saints holidays: from Saturday 01/11/25 until Sunday 09/11/25

☃️ Christmas holidays 2025/2026: from Saturday 20/12/25 until Sunday 04/01/26

 Find out more about Luxembourg and its job market on our blog.

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