Continuing education in Luxembourg: how it works

Loïc Braunavatar

Published on 04/02/2025, by Loïc Braun


In a constantly evolving professional environment, continuing education is an essential instrument for employees wishing to develop their skills, adapt to new requirements, or consider a career change. Luxembourg offers various schemes that allow employees to access training courses that lead to qualifications or help them acquire new professional skills.

The individual training leave: a learning opportunity tailored to employees' needs

The individual training leave allows employees who wish to undertake a training course to take days off specifically dedicated to this purpose. To be eligible, the following criteria must be met:

  • Have worked for at least 6 months in Luxembourg;
  • Have a training project related to their field of work or aimed at career retraining;
  • Participate in training provided by an approved organisation;
  • Obtain approval from the employer and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

This leave offers a maximum of 20 days of training over a two-year period, with the possibility of receiving reimbursement for one-third of the hours spent in training.

Employees can also deduct their training expenses from their tax return, provided that these expenses exceed the standard threshold of 540 euros.

The linguistic leave: promoting Luxembourgish language learning

In a multilingual professional environment, proficiency in Luxembourgish is a significant advantage. The linguistic leave allows private sector employees to learn or improve their Luxembourgish skills during working hours.

The conditions to benefit from this leave are as follows:

  • Be employed in Luxembourg for at least six months;
  • Enrol in a course recognised by the State, offered by either a public or private school, or an accredited association;
  • Undertake the course during working hours.

This scheme provides a total of 200 hours of linguistic leave throughout an employee’s career, divided into two blocks of 80 to 120 hours.

Employees must submit their application to both their employer and the Ministry of Labour.

New initiatives in 2025: the development of "Skillsbridges"

In response to the growing demand for digital and technical skills, Luxembourg introduced a programme in 2024 called "Skillsbridges". This initiative aims to support professional transitions and enable employees to acquire skills tailored to the new economic challenges.

"Skillsbridges" are characterised by:

  • Short, targeted training courses focusing on strategic skills (such as digital skills, artificial intelligence, and ecological transition);
  • A flexible approach that allows employees to learn at their own pace;
  • Co-financing provided by the State and partnering companies.

This programme is part of the country's strategy to strengthen the employability of its workforce while anticipating changes in the labour market.

Additionally, Luxembourg has recently expanded its continuing education offerings with new programmes for 2025. For example, the Ministry of the Civil Service has introduced three new e-learning courses focused on key competencies: well-being at work, agility and innovation, and personal organisation.

How to choose your training organisation?

Many approved training organisations offer courses tailored to the needs of employees and businesses. The website is a key resource for finding available training courses by sector and region.

Some of the main training providers include:

  • Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center;
  • House of Training;
  • Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts.

By investing in continuing education, employees can better prepare for their professional future, adapt to new labour market demands, and increase their employability in an ever-evolving environment.

Discover all available training opportunities in Luxembourg on

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