Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Agent/e de nettoyage (m/f/x) - CDD, 30h/semaine
Sodexo Luxembourg
Gestionnaire des demandes et des dossiers de l'allocation de vie chère et de la prime énergie (m/f)
Service employee (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Servicekraft (m/w/d)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Intervenant socio-éducatif dans le domaine de la protection internationale (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Assistant social (m/f)
Employé de service (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Educators and social workers (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Erzieher und Sozialarbeiter (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Educateurs et Travailleurs sociaux (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Moovijob Day Luxembourg in Trier
May 23, 2025
Messepark Trier
Porteur de journaux Fischbach - CDD
Post Luxembourg
Soldat volontaire (f/h)
Armée luxembourgeoise