Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Apprenti - DAP administratif et commercial (m/f/n)
Apprentissage - Agent administratif HR Operations (m/f/n)
Ausbildung zum Speditionskaufmann (m/w/d)
Fixemer Logistics GmbH
Motivierte Lehrlinge für die Berufe Schlosser, Zimmerer und Schreiner (m/w/d)
Prefalux Construction
Craftsman / Technician (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Moovijob Day Luxembourg
March 28, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Ingénieur généraliste / Ingénieur spécialisé / Technicien supérieur (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Allgemeine Ingenieure / Spezialisierte Ingenieure / Techniker (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
General or Specialised Engineer / Advanced Technician (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Ingénieur système / réseaux / sécurité (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Ingenieur Systeme / Netzwerke / Sicherheit (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Moovijob Day Luxembourg in Trier
May 23, 2025
Messepark Trier
Systems / Network / Security Engineer (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Handwerker / Techniker (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Artisan / Technicien (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Retail worker (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Kaufmännischer Angestellter (w/m)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Moovijob Day Luxembourg in Metz
June 27, 2025
Metz Congrès Robert Schuman
Employé de commerce (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Hotel and catering employee (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Mitarbeiter im Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Employé hôtellerie / restauration (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Ausbildung zum Kaufmann - Büromanagement (DAP Agent admin. et commercial) (m/w/d) - Howald
LOSCH Luxembourg
Unicareers Luxembourg
September 26, 2025
Luxexpo The Box
Service employee (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Servicekraft (m/w/d)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Employé de service (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Healthcare professional / nurse / doctor (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Fachkraft im Gesundheitswesen / Krankenpfleger / Arzt (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Moovijob Week Luxembourg
specialised job fair Health / Medical Care / Social Services
November 17, 2025
European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL)
Technicien de santé / infirmier / médecin (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Educators and social workers (m/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Erzieher und Sozialarbeiter (m/w)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event
Educateurs et Travailleurs sociaux (h/f)
Moovijob Day Luxembourg fair - offer available at the event