Job advertisements on graduate program, traineeship in Luxembourg

Young graduates or professionals looking for a graduate program or traineeship? Find out what's in it for you in terms of job offers in Luxembourg!

Graduate Programs are training programs designed by companies for a duration of 1 to 5 years. Among the Luxembourgish employers, we may find the European Central Bank (BCL), ING, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the European Investment Bank (EIB)...these programs are open to graduates with a 5-year degree, with not more than 2 years of experience and enable candidates to progress rapidly within a company. The aim is to train future and proficient managers.
During the course of the program, specialised trainings are offered, and this makes it possible to discover several job positions with high responsibilities. The candidate is supervised by HR professionals and the managers to develop its network and experience. Recruiting sessions happen once or twice a year and promotions vary from 10 to 60 candidates. These trainings are open to graduates from business schools, to engineers and students from university. If you want to work as part as a graduate program, you must know that selection process is complex, and you must pass several tests and interview.

Traineeship is a type of vocational training and is designed for young people aged from 16 to 24, willing to enter the job market. This is a training that combines study and work experience and allow the candidate to get skills and become "work ready". Depending on the country the duration of the program may vary from 6 weeks to 6 months, 1 to 2 year...the traineeship can offer position in various fields and is delivered by a training organisation. After having completed the program, most of trainees directly land a job or opt for an apprenticeship.
In Luxembourg, the term may usually refer to a part time work placement or internship (alternance), allowing candidates to combine school/work. Trainees remain students and may conclude a 12-month or 24 month-contract with the employer.

If you are looking for one of these contracts, do not forget to mention it in your application file! This will avoid any misunderstandings.

See you the
week of 25/11