
201-500 employees
In a few words
At AXA, we are convinced that to take good care of our customers, we have to start by taking good care of our colleagues. We therefore apply a committed HR policy that encourages diversity, preserves the private life-professional life balance and accelerates the development of skills and careers. Promoting gender balance, remuneration policy, training system and so on. Discover what makes AXA a reference employer.
Job offers
Job offers from AXA Luxembourg
Discover the 15 job offers currently available at the company AXA Luxembourg. Recruitments and job offers are regularly announced at AXA Luxembourg. To develop your career or apply for a job at AXA Luxembourg in Luxembourg, choose the position you are interested in from the list below and apply online.Add this company to your favorites and receive its new job offers as soon as they are published.
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P&C Pricing Actuary (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Chargé(e) de clientèle francophone et néerlandophone (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Junior Transformation Project Manager (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Designer UX/UI (H/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Gestionnaire sinistres Auto (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Gestionnaire Sinistres Santé (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Chargé(e) d’études actuarielles Business Vie & Santé (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Juriste (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Responsable Juridique (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Gestionnaire en Assurance Vie et Santé Entreprises
AXA Luxembourg

Gestionnaire Vie et Santé Particuliers (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Business Analyst (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Operations Risk Manager (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Chargé(e) de clientèle (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg

Gestionnaire Santé Entreprises (M/F)
AXA Luxembourg