The lifelong learning in Luxembourg

Are you looking for a training in Luxembourg? Browse through the training offers and increase your employability on the market.

In collaboration with

The national portal for lifelong learning

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11678 result(s)

11678 result(s)

The evolution of the job market, particularly in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is complex and forces us all to constantly question ourselves. There is often a gap between the offer (profiles and skills sought by companies) and the demand (people looking for a job). In order to adjust to this mismatch and thus increase one's chances of getting a job, trainings are important throughout your life and professional career, to obtain new certifications and diplomas. Training courses make it possible to adapt to the needs of employers. Does my profile have the right skills to meet the needs of companies? If not, what am I missing? For example, do I have sufficient language skills?

This page allows you to browse through several training announcements currently offered by training organizations in Luxembourg via Lifelong-Learning and INFPC. You will find professional training and continuing education courses concerning a wide range of sectors and professions. You can register as a job seeker, but also as an employee. Each of the training courses offered is useful and allows you to boost your employability on the market. Good research and above all good learning!