Educators and social workers (m/f) Expired

Published on 25/11/2024

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Moovijob Week Journée spéciale Santé / Soins / Social

Educators and social workers (m/f)

We are currently looking for professionals in the social sector.


  • A first professional experience as a qualified, graduated or specialised educator, social worker, social and family helper, carer, care assistant, socio-educational agent or teaching assistant is an advantage
  • A-level / Tech-level or general / technical certificate

You will be joining the main players in the Health, Medical Care and Social Services sectors in Luxembourg among: Aitia - Institut étatique d'aide à l'enfance et à la jeunesse, Arcus, Association Luxembourg Alzheimer Asbl, Bionext, Butzemillen, Caritas Jeunes & Familles, Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique (CHNP), Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise, Elisabeth, Fedas Luxembourg, Fondation Autisme Luxembourg, Fondation Kräizbierg, Fonds Du Logement, Hopitaux Robert Schuman, Kannerhaus Wooltz, Ketterthill, Päiperléck, Servior, Sodexo Luxembourg, SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg, Stëftung Hëllef Doheem, Verbandskëscht, Zitha, …

If you feel interested in leveling up your skills and putting your career into high gears, then participate in the specialised job fair Moovijob Week Luxembourg in the sectors Health / Medical Care / Social Services on November 25th, 2024 in the European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL).

Join the experience!

See you there! :)

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Moovijob Week Journée spéciale Santé / Soins / Social

ECCL Kirchberg
