Job advertisements for pizza chef in Luxembourg

Here are many job offers available for the job of pizza chef in Luxembourg in the Hotels / Restaurants / Catering professions business sector.

You can find the different professional and recruitment opportunities for the job of pizza chef in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on this page. Do not hesitate to submit your application to the different job offers you are interested in!

As a pizza chef (or pizzaiolo), you are an outstanding cook specialized in pizza cooking. Your main professional environment will be a pizzeria most of the time. You will be in charge of making a pizza from the beginning – by creating the dough – to its baking in the oven. You will also have to adapt each pizza you will cook according to the specific requirements and tastes of each customer.
This job of pizza chef also requires some skills – such being passionate about cooking, knowing how to read a recipe, having commercial flair and also being able to carry out several aspects of a production line. Since cooking a pizza follows mostly the same recipe and gestures, you will indeed have to do some repetitive tasks during your working hours every day. This is a job that does not necessarily require a great deal of professional experience, which may be appropriate if you are looking for your first job, for instance.

Often under the orders of a chef, the main task of your job will be to follow a recipe in order to cook a pizza. You will sometimes get helped by an assistant cook for certain assignments. However, your employer may ask for your help in direct sales or indoor service, as well as in supplying food in the kitchen – depending on the company’s needs. This is a job that is quite often represented in the Hotels / Restaurants / Catering professions business sector and some recruiters are regularly looking for a new pizza chef to complete the kitchen teams.

We recommend you consult the different job advertisements available on our Moovijob website if you want to work as a pizza chef in Luxembourg. You will then be able to apply directly on our website and get the job you want. Go for it!