[Blog] Laws and working conditions in Luxembourg: everything you need to know

Emilie KIEFFERavatar

1 year ago. from Emilie KIEFFER

Wages and labour law

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Emilie KIEFFERavatar


In this article, you will find information on the legal working hours, statutory leave, as well as on remuneration, remote working, and the different possible employment contracts in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

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Laws and working conditions in Luxembourg: everything you need to know

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Azhar Aliavatar

Azhar Ali



happy to be new member of moovi.job. i would like to know if there is any possibility of working in legal field for me as i am working in my home country in legal profession for 5 years if there are please guide me the same

Rufus Oluwafemiavatar

Rufus Oluwafemi



I am new here. Please, I need information about how I can get lecturing job in Luxembourg. I am a Professor of Animal Nutrition and Production presently in Nigeria

I am new here. Please, I need information about how I can get lecturing job in Luxembourg. I am a Professor of Animal Nutrition and Production presently in Nigeria

Hello, all non-EU nationals are welcome to come and work in Europe, provided they have a VISA and a work permit. Beware, however: the conditions for obtaining these 2 documents are still very difficult. More info here: https://guichet.public.lu/en/citoyens/immigration.html
