Banner EmoSkills

EmoSkills at the Moovijob Day Luxembourg | Training

Friday 22 October 2021

From 9am to 5pm

Friday 22 October 2021

From 9am to 5pm

EmoSkills est un centre de formation professionnelle continue au Luxembourg dédié aux compétences socio-émotionnelles et relationnelles.

We are hiring in the following field(s)

We are offering trainings in the following field(s)

  • Human resources
  • Personal and professional development
  • Supervision, management

Available training(s)

  • Serious games en soft skills/life skills (formations digitales)
  • Blended Learning
  • Gestion du stress, gestion des conflits, intelligence émotionnelle, etc
  • Formations dédiées aux professionnels de l'enfance
  • Webinaires et conférences
  • Bilan de compétences et accompagnement individuel/collectif

More information about the company

More information about the event