Job advertisements in the field of management, strategy in Luxembourg

Numerous companies offer positions in the Management / Strategy category in Luxembourg on Moovijob. Discover them quickly to find your next dream job.

On this page, you will find many job advertisements in the category Management / Strategy. These strategic jobs will often be listed under different titles like: manager, director (CEO sometimes) or even "head of" a particular field. For example: administrative and financial manager, sales manager or head of sales.

Thanks to the great diversity of employers hiring on the recruitment market in Luxembourg, a person looking for a job in the field of Management will have the chance to work in many sectors of activity, as long as he/she shows strong knowledge in strategy, management and project management, and has experience in this field. Indeed, the great majority of job offers published in the Management category are targeted at profiles with a proven experience (5 years and more) and with 2-5 years of experience. To achieve this, you can study and get a diploma in management, or you can work your way up by yourself and gain responsibility in order to obtain a job in the company's executive management or facility management.

If you would like to apply for a job in management, please note that companies that recruit the most in Luxembourg are the banks (for branch and agency manager positions), the IT sector and the retail sector. Among the most important employers in this area in the Grand Duchy can be found Auchan, Lidl, Match, BIL or large IT companies such as CGI and CTG which offer IT project manager positions. Generally speaking, recruiters will also look for assistant managers for vacancies in agencies (often banks), or other companies such as establishments selling goods and services.