VISA Luxembourg for Husband/wife?

Laurène Pauleavatar

1 year ago. from Laurène Paule



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Laurène Pauleavatar

Laurène Paule



Hello everybody,

I have been looking everywhere but I couldn't find relevant information about this topic, that's why I'm asking for your help one more time ☺️ (please excuse my English as it is not my native language)

I recently got married to my husband who is living in a non European country at the moment.

He would like to join me and work here in Luxembourg but we don't know if he can enter the territory and look for a job without visa (and ask for it after), or if he needs to obtain the visa before arriving in Luxembourg? Will there be any control at the airport?

Thank you for your help!





Basis the information I gathered, I think it's super easy for your spouse to join you in Luxembourg

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