Need to find cheaper gas somewhere


2 years ago. from Rebecca Martin



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Rebecca Martin



Does anyone have any tips for paying less for gas? I am hopeless.

Clara Bertrandavatar

Clara Bertrand


2 years ago, modifié 2 years ago

Hi Rebecca,

(I'd first like to apologize if I make some mistakes, English is not my mother tongue)

You're right, gas has become really expensive ! It's getting more and more complicated to deal with that matter. I don't know where you're from but for my part I live in France, on the Luxembourg border, and the prices skyrocketed.

It could be interesting to compare all gas providers, I found this website, and you can see the difference between all gaz providers, I think this kind of comparator does exist in all countries, and you can find a solution to pay less,

I hope I was able to help you,

Lysii Arasaavatar

Lysii Arasa



Le prix de l'essence augmente malheureusement très rapidement. Il est très peu rentable de conduire une voiture maintenant.

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